02/04/2022TristanjmnzIt’s been really difficult trying to get back into writing again. I don’t know what it is. Perhaps my attention span isn’t nearly what it used to be or maybe I just haven’t been as emotionally “activated’ to write something. I’m not entirely sure. Like with the last post, I was clearly upset with the...
10/04/2020TristanjmnzIt’s been a while since the last time I wrote a post. I suppose I have just been trying to “participate.” Most of the time this blog is meant as a way for me to try and articulate my goals, wants, and desires and vent about the moments where I am otherwise failing or struggling...
07/05/2020TristanjmnzSomething that was brought up in therapy either last weekend or the one before was that as of late I’ve been spending a lot of time solely focusing focusing on the now, today. I’ve always used to be someone who heavily clung onto past events to the point that it was definitely a detriment to...
06/19/2020TristanjmnzSo this is going to be a first, I’m going to try and redo a post. Well more so I’m replacing in spirit a post that I’m hoping no one had the opportunity to read because with all that’s going on I knew I was very emotionally sensitive and a lot of fears that certainly...
06/10/2020TristanjmnzDepending on the day or even just how I’m feeling that hour, I will either tell you that I am an emotional mess or an emotionless zombie. There was rarely an in-between. I still feel I am often on one side or the other, but it would be invalidating to the actual work I’ve put...
06/02/2020TristanjmnzSomething that came up in my last session which I suppose I had to accept as a certain possibility is that perhaps I haven’t gotten “better” over these years. Not really in the way I had hoped at least. It seems obvious just hearing out loud but it’s not something I still fully grasped yet....
05/27/2020TristanjmnzThis might be another weird one folks so fair warning. I’ve been listening to one of my newest favorite playlists. It was one made for me, by someone I’m already caring a whole lot about, so of course it’s going to hold a special place in my heart. And one song in particular spoke to...
05/21/2020TristanjmnzThis site’s posts and, by extension, my life has many recurring themes and words that have held this negative connotation because of my past experience with them. And I’m rarely ever nostalgic during moments where I’m enjoying the present very much. There’s usually a reason why I’m looking back and it’s usually because I enjoy...
05/08/2020TristanjmnzI can’t really openly talk about what’s going on with anybody right now but I need to just write out what’s on my mind until I can rebuild some sort of support system I’m comfortable with. It doesn’t help that lately that I still really feel like a burden, that certain friends are only reaching...
05/07/2020TristanjmnzIt’s going to be rather difficult to discuss anything about the past few weeks because I was and still am in a dark place which is why I still need to at least vent about the circumstances, though I’d prefer to steer away from any details. I apologize if any come out though I am...
04/17/2020TristanjmnzI have a confession to make. One I think I’d really only feel comfortable admitting in the “safe place” of my blog. Not really something that I really need to admit publicly or really to anyone but it’s affecting me and some are starting to notice. Years of experience have taught me how to expertly...
04/03/2020TristanjmnzAmidst this global crisis everybody is having to adjust to a new lifestyle. Most of whom aren’t very comfortable with this new forced isolation and asking them to stay home is a difficult adjustment for some. That being said, isolation and staying home has always come very natural to me so I’d say I’m adjusting...
03/24/2020TristanjmnzThe world has changed pretty drastically the past month or so, funnily enough I was just trying to get out of the small funk I was in and trying to get out of the isolating cycle I was getting myself stuck in. Then this whole Corona virus hysteria appears and now everything’s closed and everyone’s...
03/10/2020TristanjmnzThese past few months of therapy, months of learning a lot about myself, months of backsliding but also months of progress have all helped me to figure out more of what it is I truly want. The answer used to just be “to be happy.” However that isn’t as easy of a task to grasp...
01/29/2020TristanjmnzI want to keep this trend of using these posts to talk about the new skills I’ve learned and just truths of life that have sunk in due to either an awful experience or an incredibly fantastic one. My life has been full of plenty of both of those lately. It is a flaw of...
01/20/2020TristanjmnzI have never been comfortable talking about any positive aspects of my life, possibly why whenever something good does happen or is happening I only tend to briefly mention it before moving on to the next more negative topics I’m dealing with. In fact any emotion that I am feeling that I don’t have a...
12/31/2019TristanjmnzI haven’t had a lot of opportunities to write lately. I have been spending time “IRL” with a friend (which is a clarification I have to make because of how rare that’s seemed lately), and still am with them actually and for the most part she’s helped distract me from a lot of things that...
12/19/2019TristanjmnzThere’s something about the holidays that really just makes me reflect and think back on my experiences and relationships with my family. Probably why I tend to feel the most depressed during these months. I said in an earlier post that I have come to learn that I do not need the validations of the...
12/13/2019TristanjmnzThis post I feel is going to take me a while until I actually end up publishing/posting this just because I don’t feel like I have all that much to talk about. I was going through a process, of well to avoid repeating myself again, let’s just say I’m more content now. It’s weird wanting...
12/06/2019TristanjmnzAn even more unconventional post if I even end up publishing this one but I had the inspiration to write the last one and ended up publishing it all within just a few hours. The most time was spent really just getting the screenshots because I knew I wanted to just go through it real...
12/05/2019TristanjmnzThis one’s probably going to be a very unconventional post. I have no morale or lesson learned I just today as of when I’ve begun writing this post saw on spotify the option to see your year wrapped. And going through that really felt like going back to like individual moments of this year....
11/24/2019TristanjmnzThis is apparently the fourth year round that I’ve continued this “series.” Even stranger to think it’s been a whole six and more years since I’ve created this site. Time is certainly a frightening concept to think about, the further you expand your view of your past and time you see more of all the...
11/18/2019TristanjmnzI want to write something but going on a third post mentioning moving on in a row isn’t ideal, even though technically this is me doing that but instead I’d like to talk about the exact opposite. I grabbed an old post so it’s, unfortunately, outdated but it’s about the future. Knowing me I’ll still...
11/11/2019TristanjmnzI haven’t had a whole lot of inspiration to write lately. While not my greatest work, I was still fairly proud of my last post. Mostly because I was able to elaborate more effectively these ideas I wanted to portray and touch upon regarding the book or my associations to its content than I’ve been...
10/24/2019TristanjmnzGod I have been waiting for this for so long.. Ever since John Green had been posting youtube videos of the filming of The Fault in Our Stars back in 2014-2015 and mentioned that a film adaptation of my actual favorite John Green book was in the works. Not that I wasn’t excited for that...
10/11/2019TristanjmnzThere has been a lot of negativity in my past couple of posts. Partly because I’ve been hit with the most intense depressive phases I’ve ever had to deal with, I was learning to finally be comfortable with certain good-byes, and how to say them without having to rid those people from your lives entirely....
09/30/2019TristanjmnzRecently the motivation to write for me has been almost non-existent. I’m writing this now more to try and aid that process of well, processing my feelings. And that is exactly what I have been doing and am still doing so don’t expect this post to be very focused (as if any of them are.)...
09/09/2019TristanjmnzWell I kind of figured this was already the case a long time ago but it turns out Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is definitely my “new” comfort show, after re-watching through it another time in what will be a series of several rewatches. I’ve needed the extra comfort, as it’s been a fucking hectic and hard time...
08/26/2019TristanjmnzIn Response to “Missing a Feeling”: Coincidentally soon after writing that post about being upset with how actions I did in my own process of trying to deal with my feelings were being met with retaliation from someone I haven’t talked to since like a whole other lifetime ago, they did exactly what I asked...
08/06/2019TristanjmnzI had a few more positive posts lined up pretty much almost completed, one about how it’s weird and kind of nice to have future plans and an actual goal I’m working towards and the other about my complicated relationship with making so many associations with people and events with the media I consume. It...
07/22/2019Chickadee risingYou make yourself toxic even in the end of it all it eats you or you go and like a song on house music and get loose. If you dont, like me (yes a toxic person) wants to change too! Yeah right?! Toxic people are always and will be…..yeah. You need to first understand that...
07/17/2019TristanjmnzGod, the amount of times I’ve written about change, about wanting to change, about my thoughts on how futile the idea of people changing is.. Needless to say, my opinions on “change” have, well, changed a lot. That is due to my back and forth relationship with the concept. It’s easy to say “Things will...
07/15/2019TristanjmnzTo think just two weeks ago my biggest worries were how I was going to stop thinking and making myself feel shitty about no longer having someone in my life anymore who’s been long gone. Now with all that’s happened since, that feels like a lifetime ago. A whole other me ago. I’ll still care...
07/08/2019TristanjmnzI really gotta start thinking of a name for these kinds of posts. Having the repeated “Random Thoughts” and then the date is getting kind of boring at this point already. However, the alternative is having to think of a relevant title and having these posts actually have a centralized theme or message but these...
07/03/2019TristanjmnzWow last week was definitely a really shitty one. What was originally just this general feeling of depression, and all the negative feelings and thoughts that just come with that chemical imbalance I had going on in my brain. I mentioned in my last post that I was borderline-suicidal. What I meant by that was...
06/26/2019TristanjmnzYikes.. I got drunk a few nights ago and reblogged something on Tumblr from that old friend of mine. Just said “U R Loved” and wasn’t about anyone and wasn’t intended to upset them. It was a nice positive post and I wanted to spread said positivity and I really only did so because I...
06/21/2019TristanjmnzSo, if my last post was anything to judge by.. I don’t think I’m quite ready for an informative and non emotionally-charged post just yet. I don’t think I ever will simply because the times I don’t have this pent up feeling waiting to be unleashed.. are times I don’t really feel like writing at...
06/07/2019TristanjmnzThis is a really touchy subject for me, even still unfortunately, but I’ve been meaning to write something and have it at least be informative in some sense to my “newfound” disorder so let’s try and write this without too many emotional tangents. Most people are...
04/29/2019TristanjmnzI’ve been debating back and forth as to what I should write my next post about or if I really wanted to write anything. There was a few things sure, but they were stuff based on impulsive feelings I had while still trying to figure out what to do next after. However, this past month...
03/15/2019TristanjmnzThis is going to be one of those posts where I try and argue the pros and cons to each side of these ways of thinking, but in the end I don’t really have an answer for you as to which is “better.” All I know is that personally in my past I have had...
03/13/2019TristanjmnzI could not tell you when this habit began but it definitely did happen pretty early on and just like the other weird thing my head used to do just to survive and cope, like creating an imaginative person to bicker between so I could better express and verbalize my feelings. That and I did...
12/27/2018TristanjmnzI didn’t really want to write this; especially so soon after my last post. I was determined to kick the habit of writing out my feelings and the intent was to take a good hiatus from this site in general, but for the very reason I want to keep this site here.. to keep some...
12/15/2018TristanjmnzThis is probably going to be a rehash of ideas and words I have already written here about my reasons towards writing. I know for certain I’ve touched on the topic before but I don’t remember if I ever went into detail about the different reasons I write and post here despite knowing no one...
11/23/2018TristanjmnzEdit: I had to revise this just a little bit because me getting upset while writing certainly influenced what I ended up talking about. For as long as I know I’ve been very attached to my routines. You get a sense of comfort when you know what you have to look forward to the next day....
11/12/2018TristanjmnzLet’s try and talk about something different for now I suppose. I feel like I really need to write something right now but I don’t know if I’m really feeling ready to delve into more sensitive topics without having to password protect the post just because of how real those tend to get. So I...
11/08/2018TristanjmnzI can’t believe I let this get as bad as it had gotten before. I had nightmares about those times, how awful my life was and how awful I was.. I loathed who I used to be and I ended up being that person once more. I still don’t know how to cope with knowing...
10/31/2018TristanjmnzThere is very little these days that I am excited for. The Marvel hype was great for a while but for me it kind of died down during the Infinity War hype. I mean sure I was excited to see who was going to get the boot in the latest film and see this whole...
08/24/2018TristanjmnzI had a hard time deciding which person I wanted to affiliate with this name– or more so “character” because Olive holds such a special place in my heart. There are three different people who helped form this character in my head as I started this story back in senior year. Although I don’t really...
07/27/2018TristanjmnzIt was just about a month since I wrote about nostalgia last and my feelings have changed a bit since then. Naturally. I still think nostalgia as a feeling as a negative feeling to continue having and to be addicted to. Well for me at least. It’s been a primary reason of why it has...
07/18/2018TristanjmnzGod I didn’t expect to write so much/so unfiltered so I’m pw’ing this so the people involved don’t get upset by stumbling upon this. This will hopefully be the last post I make on this subject for a while. (Until next time I go through this feeling at least!) The last one should’ve been like...
06/29/2018TristanjmnzThis one’s going to be a hard one to write. Maybe one I shouldn’t even write even but I’m going to see if I can without it getting too emotionally charged or without it being too telling, I guess? This is very tricky because I don’t know how quite to say what it is that...
06/01/2018TristanjmnzIt’s not that I don’t have words to say I just don’t want to be the one that speaks them To say that I’m currently in a funk would be an extreme understatement. I haven’t felt this awful since probably well maybe since 2016? And oh boy was that a horrendous year. Is this year as bad?...
04/19/2018TristanjmnzI’m not very proud of it but I’m an escapist. It’s both a character flaw and just a general character trait of mine. I have the tendency to just want to escape from most of my problems, or this boring world. I’ve done that in the past through an assortment of options; I would listen...
04/03/2018TristanjmnzOnce again I’m obsessed with a certain song and I’ve been replaying it over and over again. I tend to do that a lot. Whenever I hear a song when I’m feeling shitty or even a song that makes me feel even better when I’m already feeling pretty good that song sticks with me. I’m...
03/13/2018TristanjmnzWhen talking about my feelings towards other people and my affections towards them I tend to talk about crushes more than any actual real feelings. There’s a reason for that and I suppose it’s probably because I have more experience with crushes. A lot more experience. Sure, I’ve been in a few “relationships.” I’m still...
02/04/2018TristanjmnzDear Summer, Normally when talking about things that have happened between us I try and talk about it as objectively and as understanding as I can. You’re only human and I have made some pretty terrible mistakes as well. I’ve hurt people, people I didn’t intend on hurting but have hurt nonetheless. You, however, hurt me...
12/24/2017TristanjmnzThere are so many other posts I’ve been wanting to write for the past month or two. I have about 4-5 different drafts about half written out; one’s an opinion topic on how hostile discussing gender can be at times, one was a sort of farewell to an old friend to give them some sort...
11/14/2017TristanjmnzThis is something I’ve lived with most of my life without really knowing what it was or if it really was anything other than my own inner monologue. Automatic thoughts, the thoughts that go through your head that are often negative which aren’t always in your control. For me its always been that voice in...
10/07/2017TristanjmnzEvery time I make progress on bettering my mental health or bettering my situation things tend to turn to shit pretty quickly. I don’t know what to blame this time. Normally I’d have some sort of reason for why I felt so awful or why I was so frustrated with a certain person, but really...
09/24/2017TristanjmnzI haven’t posted in a while because I have been trying to avoid using this site. Recently I’ve had a real difficult time talking with people. Partly because I’ve felt pretty distant from most of the people I felt really close to, both figuratively and literally. But mostly it’s just been me. My anxieties and...
08/08/2017ExcelsyorI’m not sure I should be posting this and to the admin: If you’d like to take it down, you can. Back to late night rambles that I never would’ve posted before. It’s probably foolish and i’m probably ‘making a mistake’ but i’m hoping that maybe this will help, to just get it all out...
07/31/2017TristanjmnzOkay. Just breathe. This past month has just been a mess. Has it been a month? I’m not quite sure, it’s certainly been a good number of weeks I feel but my perception of time is kind of a bit off right now so I can’t say for sure. I’ve talked in my posts before...
07/12/2017TristanjmnzA lot has transpired in the past year and I really wanted to be able to say that I’ve learned anything from of it, but I haven’t. I have seen myself time and time again repeating the same mistakes and sometimes with the same people even though I know I shouldn’t have this person in...
07/09/2017TristanjmnzI tend to do this thing in many of my friendships and it’s that for some inexplicable reason (in some of my friendships) I tend to give the other person total control in the relationship. I end up sitting in the back row of a performance that I should be co-directing. Yet, I don’t. This...
06/25/2017TristanjmnzI am going to try one bizarre thing and try one more time to write like how I used to. To try and gain that feeling I once had back when this site meant something to me. And to try and do that I’m going to try and talk less about situations, events, and people...
06/24/2017Mary Tyler MooreI can hear the soft breathing of the girl that I love, As she lies here beside me asleep with the night, Her hair like a mist as it floats on my pillow, reflecting the glow of a winter moonlight. But she knows and I know that I’ll never be, as good as the ones who came before me So I’ll...
06/17/2017TristanjmnzThis site has been up since 2013 and it has been one of the few things I’m proud of, it’s essentially just a blog but with my focus to talk about topics and feelings rather than about situations and people it allowed people to relate to my posts, to read them and even if they...
06/15/2017SebastianSo recently my laptop had a stroke. I got the dreaded blue screen of death after uninstalling some bloatware that came with Adobe PDF viewer, and apparently it didn’t uninstall correctly. I spent about 4 hours trying to do a system restore to a couple days earlier and luckily, after all that hard work, I...
06/13/2017TristanjmnzThere is a time when we all fail, Some people take it pretty well, Some take it all out on themselves, Some they just take it out on friends, Oh everybody plays the game, And if you don’t you’re called insane, I didn’t know what to title this post, nor do I really know what I...
06/11/2017SebastianI don’t exactly know how or why, but I have been feeling unusually happy lately. This isn’t the okay state that I found myself in after coming out of my breakup, but instead it feels like my natural happy normal state that I was in before Amy a year ago (names have been altered for...
06/10/2017TristanjmnzIn case you didn’t already know this, I am very socially anxious. And no, not shy. Sure, that’s what it looks like most of the time but I wish I was just shy. I was this was just pre-show jitters. I mean even talking with my friends still makes me uncomfortable and anxious. In the...
06/10/2017SebastianMy birthday is coming up again in a couple days. I look back at my post around this time last year before I turned 21, and I almost want to say I was completely wrong. I don’t think it had anything to do with age or the number 21, but it feels like this past...
06/07/2017TristanjmnzOh how wonderful the honeymoon phase is, that brief period in people’s relationships where everything seems great, you love the person you’re with and nothing they could say or do will bother you, but of course as with any other phase it does come to an end. I don’t think this phase is something we...
06/06/2017TristanjmnzWith the extreme popularity of super heroes and their summer big blockbuster hits raking in billions its sort of hard to think of a time where this at one point niche genre was this small but strong glimmer of hope. We didn’t watch superhero movies to watch Batman kick Superman’s ass or the extreme spectacle...
06/04/2017TristanjmnzGod, it’s such a frightening thought but every day that passes it becomes more and more true but I’m starting to get to that age where I needed to have already had my life figured out. Like before it was oh yeah, no you’ll definitely figure it out just give it time but now I’m...
06/04/2017SebastianIt’s the memories that are the worst. The happiness I felt in those fleeting moments that keep playing in my head over and over, painting a sad smile on my face. It’s those memories that make it so difficult to let go. It feels like I’m tearing a piece of myself apart. But I do...
05/31/2017SebastianDisclaimer: These are my inner most thoughts and feelings. I don’t know if I’m even comfortable sharing them. It’s painful keeping all this in and writing it out helps. Please don’t judge me for them. Did I ever stop loving her? I tried to. I thought I was past most of the hurt. I stopped thinking about...
05/31/2017TristanjmnzI wanted to write something that didn’t have anything to do with my friends (former or current), at least not directly about them, since I have been doing that quite a bit.. so I thought I might try and delve further into my experiences with Sam. Sam, for those who don’t know is a name...
05/31/2017TristanjmnzHey remember that time when you od’ed Hey remember that other time when you od’ed for the second time Well in the waiting room while waiting for news of you I hallucinated I could read your mind And I was on a lot of shit too but what I saw, man, I tell you it...
05/31/2017TristanjmnzOnce again I’m writing a new post that I have been inspired to write because of a Regina Spektor song. I suppose I get a bit attached to songs and their lyrics/meanings sometimes… Anyway, I’m admittedly kind of in a weird state right now. I’m in a strange emotional state where I feel both awful...
05/30/2017SebastianI know it seems obvious. In a way, I’ve known this in the back of my head from the beginning, but it didn’t stop me from trying. The situation I have the most trouble with is when two people have a disagreement, and I have to choose who is right. As a neutral party that...
05/29/2017SebastianThis isn’t the fear like my irrational fear of jellyfish. When I say afraid, I mean the fear tied to my deepest insecurities. I feel like it would be so much easier if I just limited myself so people couldn’t hurt me, but I keep going out and asking for it. Maybe it’s because I...
05/28/2017ExcelsyorI wish life never had to change. It seems naive and I know it’s wring but there’s too much that’s gone wrong in my life for me to easily welcome change. It started two years ago. That’s when it became unbearable. Two years since emotional abuse so bad the wounds still haven’t come close to...
05/27/2017SebastianSo I wanted to know exactly how much it would cost, per year, if you decided to live life the most expensive way possible. I’m talking about selecting the top most result when you filter your prices high to low every single time. This should be fun! Lets start with the very basic necessities: Water, Food, and Shelter. Water:...
05/26/2017SebastianMarch 20th, 2017 It was 8 pm. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was numb, and I only felt relief. There were no more lies, and I had clarity for the first time in weeks. I didn’t want to break up; I actually loved her. But she didn’t love me. Not anymore. But...
05/25/2017ExcelsyorDear Depression, I thought that you’d moved away a bit ago. Gone off on your own to see the world and left me in your dust. I was okay with that. I certainly didn’t expect to see you back so soon. Although I guess it is my fault for welcoming you back with open arms. Now that...
05/25/2017SebastianI was wrong. I was hurt, but I never said anything. I never told you how it made me feel. I just accepted that when it came down to it, no matter what I did, at the end of the day you would still choose her over me. I just wasn’t the person that people...
05/22/2017TristanjmnzAside from my “normal” fluctuating emotions there’s been this other feeling I’ve felt the past couple of days which I’ve had a difficult time trying to explain or even wrap around my head. It isn’t really an emotion. At least I don’t think it is an emotion because it doesn’t feel like one and I...
05/08/2017TristanjmnzI’ve probably talked about this topic in some way or another in previous posts of mine because of how important music is in my healing process. Well, not just the HEALING process, I guess. I just get emotionally attached to songs and which song often depends on which emotion. The main example I always keep...
05/02/2017TristanjmnzI had refused to write anything for a good while partially because I didn’t quite have anything to say that was positive or didn’t almost directly affect someone else. That’s not really something I wanted to do then since things were still pretty tender. Although I write these with the intent of just relieving my...
01/30/2017SkyFallThe only happiness I feel anymore is when I’m stoned but afterwards I feel worse than I ever have and want to kill myself. I ride an intense high before sinking to rock bottom. No one knows I’m bad again, no one knows I’m doing worse than I was before. No one knows that I’m...
01/30/2017SkyFallI know I am broken when I look back at my past. I can catalog the people who have hurt me, whether they actually did or whether I made it up for whatever reason my twisted mind created, I have a history of crawling back to them. I am so lonely and unable to make...
01/01/2017QueenieAlcohol Burns my throat My head spins Sun setting He kisses me No please He’s on top of me The moon is out I can’t move I can’t think He pushed his tongue in my mouth I pushed my head to the side He didn’t stop, Held my wrists above my head Kissed from my neck to my chest I wanted to say no or get up But I couldn’t I was...
12/22/2016QueenieOn the floor she cries Under a blanket she hides It feels so bad He was a cad Her heart was breaking Her body shaking
12/11/2016QueenieAlcohol burns my throat My head spins Sun setting He kisses me No please He’s on top of me The T.V blaring I can’t move I can’t think He shoved his tongue down my mouth I pushed my head away He didn’t stop held my wrist together above my head kissed down my neck to my chest I wanted to speak to move I was frozen in place his hands in my hair to...
12/10/2016TristanjmnzDear Amy, We never really got to talk much, which is really unfortunate but I also think it might have been for the best. We were both going through our own personalized hell during this time and we might not have been able to focus or deal with these things properly if we had. Well, more...
12/04/2016TristanjmnzDear Emily, Oh man, it’s been a while since we’ve talked. Hasn’t it? Well, since we’ve talked regularly like we used to, that is. Let me just start off by saying you mean a lot to me and I miss you. Just in a “I really enjoyed the times we spent together, talked, and just knowing...
11/16/2016TristanjmnzI feel after I’ve made my 2016 recap post I’ve said all there is to say about what I’ve been and am still currently going through. I’m sure I’m the only one that’s read it, and that’s alright because it was really only intended for me. I keep waking up every morning with this naive...
10/27/2016TristanjmnzDisclaimer: This is a very long post, and breaks a lot of previous rules I have set in place for myself to avoid talking about specific situations and specific people. I need to vent and my feelings towards a certain person or situation may not be exactly as written here this is just how my...
10/04/2016TristanjmnzGod it’s almost frightening how similar my thoughts and feelings are to things I have written in the past. Here’s the post I made April 3rd, 2013. I suppose I’m stuck in a rut, a never ending cycle that will happen to me every couple of years. I sure hope not, but we’ll see. A few...
09/04/2016TristanjmnzI’ve recently come to notice a reoccurring pattern in my life. There will be things and people I find who I love and care about so intensely that they start to become an obsession. A crush in some cases, but this isn’t exclusive to only crushes. There will be a person, an event, or even just...
05/27/2016Mary Tyler MooreHonesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyways. There are so many opportunities that we have everyday to make someone feel good about themselves. There’s millions of ways to make a person smile. We all know it; we all know that so much as a smile or a “hello” could light up a...
05/13/2016TristanjmnzSo, in case any of you guys have noticed I have recently modified the current form for writing blog posts which now includes a check mark to allow your post to not be tied with your username when reviewed and published to the site. However, to prevent any issues with bullying, spam, or anything else...
05/04/2016SebastianThere is a deafening sound in my head. The blaring thunderous noise of utter defeat and madness. Trapped inside my own self, unable to do the simplest thing. The one thing I want to do more than anything else in the world. Behind a glass wall screaming and slamming my fists into it as hard...
05/04/2016SebastianI want to talk about something that’s been bothering me for the past couple of days. If you don’t know, I’m planning on going into a career of Investment Banking. I always found finance to be very interesting, and I’ve been following it closely for nearly the past decade. But a couple days ago, I...
05/03/2016SebastianSo this is kind of a reply to Tristan’s earlier post on crushes. I wanted to talk about why it always feels like your crush is so amazing that they would never go for someone like you. I really related to his post because I too have a crush at the moment. I was also...
05/02/2016TristanjmnzCrushes.. I thought I was done with these when I was done with high school but apparently not. Here I am, about three years after graduating still in the exact situation. I have a crush. That’s a statement that I previously would have been more than glad to say out loud but now it’s different....
05/02/2016LavenderSo I don’t know what to write for my actual first post, but my sister recommended writing about love. I don’t know much about love, I’ve never quite been in love. Sure I had crushes, but I wouldn’t count them as actual love. Besides, everyone has written about love, maybe it’s redundant now. But I’m...
05/01/2016Mary Tyler MooreHe found her body was a wonderful succession of details. He liked staring at her thighs as she was kneeling down because they shimmered in the soft light. And he quite liked that her clean feet were sometimes dirty. He secretly loved looking at her breasts while she was doing something. He loved looking at...
04/28/2016SebastianOgres are like onions. Donkey: They stink? Shrek: Yes. No. Donkey: Oh, they make you cry. Shrek: No. Donkey: Oh, you leave em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin’ little white hairs. Shrek: No. Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers. Donkey: Oh, you both have layers. Oh....
04/25/2016LavenderI think there is a certain amount of preciousness in the little things. Flowers growing through the sidewalk, seeing the start of a tree in a tiny flower pot. The innocent beginning of a relationship. Or even seemingly meaningless questions, like, ” Hey, did you happen to eat today?” Or, ” How did you sleep last...
04/25/2016TristanjmnzHonestly, I hate that term, “Toxic” to describe people in your life but that’s really the best word I can think of to describe certain people in my life. Toxic. In the past couple of months I have unintentionally surrounded myself with a lot of people who have had a huge negative impact on my...
04/22/2016Mary Tyler MooreI wish just once that someone would be excited and involved in the decisions I make. When I say “I’m thinking of cutting my hair” I wish someone would just fucking pretend to act interested. Instead of saying, “Eh, if you don’t like it it’ll just grow back” or “just do whatever you think is...
04/22/2016Mary Tyler MooreIn order to find the right answers, you must first ask the right questions. At times we all wish there was some special potion that we can drink in order to clear the fog, and we’re always disappointed when we realize that will never happen. Sometimes the best solution is to just wait. Ride out...
04/20/2016SebastianOne of the most difficult things in life that we have to do is to move on from something. To end a chapter. Start from the beginning again. And life make us do it over and over, as if doing it just once wasn’t hard enough. Sometimes it can be a good thing, such as...
04/17/2016SebastianWith my 21st birthday coming up in just a few months, I’ve started thinking about what it means to be an adult. My whole life, I had thought that once I turned 21, I would spontaneously become a fully functioning independent adult member of society. However, with just two months to go, I don’t really...
04/15/2016Mary Tyler MooreHe loved her. He really did. But there were times when he despised the way she would ignore what he was saying, and he sometimes hated the way she wasn’t direct about what she wanted. He wished she could just give him a straight answer and he hoped that she would say, “I love you...
04/13/2016TristanjmnzWell I fucked up. In an effort to move over the domain over to a new host, one that I was actually paying for and didn’t put pop-up ads that I couldn’t get rid of, I forgot to back up the site and all the posts I had so for the most part I have...
04/09/2016TristanjmnzMost people confuse Social Anxiety with simply being Shy. This is quite irritating, because most people don’t quite comprehend the immense difference between the two. Being shy means you’re reluctant, or uncomfortable, with meeting new people and or going up in front of the class. However, social anxiety is something that is much more challenging. It’s basically a...
04/09/2016TristanjmnzI didn’t know what to write about for the blog, but I happened to find an assignment I wrote for psychology class a few months ago. Enjoy. Thinking about it over and over again was probably the worst part of it. Not saying that the actual experience wasn’t a horrible terrifying experience, but the anticipation of...
07/20/2013TristanjmnzI like to think of the endings of things. Sometimes it makes me appreciate the current state of things, knowing things are just going to get worse. That sounds a bit depressing and cynical, but I mean… nothing lasts forever and endings are rarely happy ones. We wouldn’t be so afraid of them if that...
05/29/2013TristanjmnzMy years here in high school are soon coming to an end, so I might as well leave with some words to those who care to read them. I’m a bit indifferent about actually graduating. I don’t feel any feeling of excitement or sadness and I’m not entirely sure why that is. The more I...
04/25/2013TristanjmnzWhen trying to console a friend in need who’s really upset or disturbed there are often two things you might feel. You will either be empathetic towards their problem or sympathetic for the person. While both may be similar, there’s quite a difference between the two. For example, when someone loses a parent you usually...
04/09/2013TristanjmnzYou can already tell I like to write, and it isn’t limited to just this blog. For the past month, I’ve been working on a novel/story entitled “In My Head”. That’s actually how I got the name of the site. Sure, the name fits but it has more meaning to me. The logo is also...
04/09/2013TristanjmnzWith the invention of the internet we began getting an increase in the ability to express our opinions and beliefs more freely, more importantly without fear of reprimand because of the safety of being anonymous. Sure, not all people express their opinions anonymously (like me for example), but a lot do. I’m not only talking...
04/08/2013TristanjmnzMany of us are in that obsessive search to find the meaning to life and why we’re all here. Some say that the meaning of life is to seek divine salvation and receive the grace of God and Christ. Others say the meaning of life is to reproduce, live life to the “fullest”, or to...
04/03/2013TristanjmnzA few days ago I wrote about how one can make irrational decisions and actions while being affected by depression and there was more to it then just making stupid mistakes. I can say that, in the past few months, I have made some choices that have affected how the rest of my high school...
03/29/2013TristanjmnzI’ve learned from past experiences that depression isn’t always such a bad thing. In fact, I believe it’s necessary to go through to learn and grow as a person. We all learn from our mistakes, learning the bad outcomes involved in making awful decisions. I know that whenever I’m depressed I often do things I...
03/08/2013TristanjmnzHaving a very morbid thought of life, I often have the view that life here is pointless, because eventually everyone who knew you will forget you. Unless you do something truly amazing, or evil (Hitler or Stalin), you won’t be remembered that long after your death. That’s inevitable. Your life story won’t entirely be told,...
02/28/2013TristanjmnzI don’t want to bash on religion, but I do want to talk about some certain aspects of it that has irritated me. I should start with what I like about organized religion first, because I’d rather not start with upsetting people. Firstly, religion is generally a good thing. It brings hope, happiness, and takes...