Tag Archives: relationships



When talking about my feelings towards other people and my affections towards them I tend to talk about crushes more than any actual real feelings. There’s a reason for that and I suppose it’s probably because I have more experience with crushes. A lot more experience. Sure, I’ve been in a few “relationships.” I’m still […]

The Honeymoon Phase

The Honeymoon Phase

Oh how wonderful the honeymoon phase is, that brief period in people’s relationships where everything seems great, you love the person you’re with and nothing they could say or do will bother you, but of course as with any other phase it does come to an end. I don’t think this phase is something we […]



Crushes.. I thought I was done with these when I was done with high school but apparently not. Here I am, about three years after graduating still in the exact situation. I have a crush. That’s a statement that I previously would have been more than glad to say out loud but now it’s different. […]